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In Robert Shemeld’s award winning political thriller,  husband and wife are snatched from an idyllic summer vacation of sailing and sparkling Newport soirees, and thrust into a horrific reality of piracy, kidnapping, murder and betrayal. Duped into acting as bait to capture an international drug trafficker, they  discover the drug lord is the real bait and they have become immersed in a plot that has little to do with drugs and everything to do with a scheme to influence the world economy.


The treacheries and intrigue of international politics, and perhaps a Machiavellian attempt to control the White House force the couple to resurrect skills from their past . . . the hunted become the hunters as they attempt to stay alive until they can rid themselves of The Narragansett Files.



Now available in eBook format at Amazon.  A few hard copies may still be available, however; should your book seller be unable to obtain one, please go to the Contact Page and email the author. You may purchase the eBook NOW by clicking on the button below:

The Narragansett Files
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